Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Women of God, Women of the People

Sparkling Lavender Rose MySpace Picture Comment

In a previous blog entry,
I mentioned the name of Dr. Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz.
I have read many, if not all, of her works.
Reading her works fills me with a sense of hope.
I weep when I read her material. . .
. . . .I weep because there is so much truth in what she writes.

There is no doubt in my mind that I am Catholic, in part, due to the powerful writings of Dr. Isasi-Diaz. And, in part, due to the popular faith traditions my culture celebrates.

Dr. Isasi-Diaz, apart from being a published theologian,
is a Professor of Theology and Ethics at Drew University.

Her background is one I admire.
She is a refugee from Cuba.
She was a missionary in Peru.
She lived in Spain.
She was able to visit Cuba and do some fine works in a parish. . .
. . .Baptismal prep, bible study. . .
. . .until 2004 because of the travel restrictions
imposed by the government of George W. Bush.

Isn't it funny how the things I admire about her,
the things I just detailed in the previous paragraph, are the experiential?
Oh, I admire her academics.
But I think it's the way she brings experience to theology. . . .
. . .Hers is not a head knowledge detached from experience.
It's a theology born from and through experience.
It's real.
She's real.
An Amazing Academic, she could be. . .
. . .no, She Is my sister. . . mi comadre.

This morning I just noticed
that her page over at Drew University
has a link to her "Women of God, Women of the People."

I include the link here,
so that you all can read a little bit of Dr. Isasi-Diaz' work.
I love the section on Eve.

Women of God, Women of the People.

Oh, and for those of you who don't know her,
here's a link to her Curriculum Vitae.

Dr. Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz truly is contemporary Gospel Girlfriend.

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